Semiconductor integrated circuit from birth until now more than 20 years of history. For more than twenty years, the development of high-speed integrated circuit in the human history of science and technology unprecedented hatched. On - silicon devices of the density of integration is basically doubled every year growth rate, small scale integrated circuit, integrated circuit through the stage of scale integrated circuit and the development of large scale integrated circuit, the current to the large scale development stage and is developing towards the direction of the very large scale integrated circuit. The development of large scale integrated circuit and mature, and provides a large amount of cheap, easy to use the microprocessor and memory circuit. The function of a microcomputer system with them. Already more than a dozen years ago "large" tube or a transistor computer level, while the price has fallen to the extent of the average household can afford. The development reality, caused a revolution in computer application in the eighty s, it displays in: the computer information in enterprise management, office and word processing, information exchange, etc, to popularize and apply it also displays in: the computer system in military technology, industry since the work, the robot technology, sensor technology, automatic measurement and process control is widely used.
The development of large scale integrated circuit, as the technology progress in the large scale integrated circuit itself and the computer application of revolution caused by it, all have played a huge role in promoting to the development of sensor, which is mainly manifested in the following aspects: functional and low price of the computer system has been widely used in various aspects, especially in industrial automatic control, robotics and applications, such as automatic pick up requires a large number of high precision, small size and corresponding price cheap sensors. In addition, in these applications, computer often to receive signals from the sensor output directly, this requires the output of the sensor is electrical signal directly. The original dominant structural sensor is not adapt, prompted the sensor to the solid, semiconductor and integrated in the direction of development.
In order to promote the growth of the integration, integrated circuit technology has a rapid development. The integrated circuit technology can provide fine processing technology of high precision, high density of device integration, manufacturing process of strict consistency and high reliability. The technique and technology for sensor manufacturing technology innovation provides a powerful tool. Because of these technologies especially adapted to the many solid sensor making, prompting solid sensor can develop rapidly.
The development of integrated circuit for creating sensor provides a number of mature materials. Especially the semiconductor silicon material has can be freely used for people, it has many suitable for the nature of the sensor, and made a practical sensor. Semiconductor sensor based on silicon material, in addition to the general advantages of solid sensor, it can also make some integrated circuit and sensors together, constitute a so-called sensor IC, or integrated sensor for short. In addition to silicon, semiconductor is also making sensor development forehead materials.
From the above points, large scale of integrated circuit of sensor not only puts forward the integrated requirements, also provide sensor integrated with the application and technical basis. On the other hand, the development of the integrated sensor to make large scale integrated circuit can better play its beyond him, and thus promote the development of large scale integrated circuit.