Britain Watson < /a>. March 2011, China Zhen Standards Commission was established in our hospital ISO16063-33 international standards working group. Develop required by the ISO standard, ISO /TC108 /SC3 (International Organization for Standardization /mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring of the Technical Committee) 31st Annual Meeting will be held by the end of June this year, was held in New York, the meeting will be submitted for our approval ISO16063- Preliminary 33 standards. Recently, the national mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring of Standardization Technical Committee at its thirty-fourth three meetings of the Sub-Committee was held in Shenzhen. At the meeting, 47 National Standard Committee vibration-thirds Committee members, experts carefully considered by the Fujian Provincial Institute of Metrology ISO16063-33 responsible for drafting the first draft of a new international standard "vibration and shock sensor calibration method Part 33 magnetic sensitivity test," agreed Standard first draft (WD version) was adopted.
October 2010, the International Organization for Standardization TC108年会大会通过由福建省计量院起草的 "ISO /5347-19 vibration, shock sensor calibration method & mdhistriadn; & mdhistriadn; sensitivity magnetic field," the motion and approve the re-formulation of international standards.