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The accuracy of the weighing sensor will be the impact of the weighing system
2016-02-01 18:31
The accuracy of the weighing sensor will be the impact of the weighing system
Choose a high quality of the weighing sensor is weighing controller gets weighing accuracy of every step, weighing sensor (also known as a sensor or load converter) is a processing metal bending load and the mechanical force is converted into mechanical force into an electrical signal, the bending does not exceed the elastic metal and by a key combination on cell strain meter. Is a processing of metal bending and load of mechanical and mechanical power into electrical signals. Bending does not exceed the metal elastic and measuring strain gauge sticking point on the battery. As long as the load is applied to the proper position of the load cell, the strain gage is provided in proportion to the electrical signal.
In the key indicators of the weighing sensor, the accurate weight information will be provided:
Nonlinearity: the nominal output of the weighing sensor is + 0.018%.
Hysteresis: the nominal output of the weighing sensor is + 0.025%.
Non weight: the nominal output of the weighing sensor is + 0.01%.
Creep: the nominal output of the weighing sensor at 5 minutes is + 0.01%.
The effect of temperature on the output: + 0.0008% of the load per fahrenheit.
The temperature affects the zero point: + 0.001% of the rated output of the load cell per fahrenheit.
Understand the specification: although each specification does not necessarily apply to the installation of your weighing controller, it is important to understand the overall accuracy of each specification to determine the weighing sensor.
Nonlinearity is the distance between the calibration curve of the force sensor and the load cell, the maximum deviation from the zero starting load and the maximum end of the plot. The measurement error of the cell is measured in the whole working range of the cell. See the full range of the weighing sensor for the worst case of + 0.018%. The smaller the weight change of the force sensor, the smaller the distance of the nonlinearity caused by the error.
Hysteresis is the difference between the 2 load sensor output readings of the same load - by reducing the load from the maximum rated load from the load sensor to zero, the other to increase the load to obtain a read. In the case of nonlinear, the worst case of + 0.025% hysteresis norm is seen in the full range of the load cell, and the hysteresis error caused by the small weight change is reduced. In applications such as batching, where you usually only need precise weight measurements in filling, you can ignore the error caused by the lag. The hysteresis error is usually divided into the calibration curve of the weighing sensor in different regions than the nonlinear error, as shown in figure 1. Therefore, the two error specifications are combined in some weighing sensors of algebra and, called the comprehensive error of the specification, + 0.03%.
Do not be repeated in the same load conditions repeated loads weighing sensor output readings between the maximum difference (i.e., either increase the load from zero or decrease from maximum rated capacity of the weighing sensor loads and environmental conditions. The non repeatability specification was + 0.01%, compared with the full range of the weighing sensor. Non repeatability can be influenced by weight measurement in any weighing application. The non repeatable specification can be determined by adding a combination of the non repeatable error weighing sensor to determine the worst-case.
Creep is the change in the output of the weighing sensor with time, when the weighing sensor is kept for a long time. Creep is not a significant problem in a 2 - to 3 minute interval or filling cycle. But if you use the load sensor to monitor the warehouse inventory, you need to consider the impact of creep.
The change of temperature will cause the weighing error. Most of the weighing sensors are temperature compensated to reduce these errors. However, if your weighing system is by weighing cycle during temperature changes - for example, if the outdoor weighing containers are exposed to low night temperature, but in the daytime fast solar heating, consider how the temperature can influence weighing sensor output. If the only significant change that affects your weighing system is between summer and winter temperatures, you can re calibrate the weighing sensor to correct any temperature errors caused by seasonal changes.
Temperature changes affect the output of the sensor by changing the sensitivity of the weighing sensor, unless it is re calibrated at each of the larger temperature changes. The temperature effect of the zero load weighing sensor will lead to the entire output range of the sensor. However, if the load is zero (i.e., in the net weight) before the start of the load cycle - such as the application in the batching - you do not need to care about the impact of the temperature at zero load.
Taking into account the response time of the weighing sensor. The response time of the sensor is another factor that needs to be considered in some applications. Typical load sensor behavior is similar to the hard spring oscillation, thus achieving accurate weight readings, the weighing sensor must be addressed in the required weighing time period to stop oscillation in a shorter time. While the response time of the weighing sensor is usually not important in the batching application, the high speed detector or the rotary filling machine needs a quick response of the weighing sensor. When the load is applied to the sensor, the weighing sensor restrains the natural oscillation frequency. However, the weighing sensor does not exclude the vibration of the outside world, such as the weighing equipment, so still need to isolate the weighing sensor from the vibration source.
下一篇:Acceleration sensor principle

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